The return of Hangeng.
Super Junior's Hangeng disappeared for almost two months. He did appear again in public after the news that he is breaking his contract with SM came out (last December of 2009). Except for updating his blog once on his birthday to thank all the fans who left birthday wishes, no one has seen or heard from Hangeng. FINALLY..... on Feb. 19th, 2010, Hangeng was spotted at an airport in China. I will briefly summarize the personal account written by one of the fans who saw him on the 19th. Apparently, a few fans knew about his flight schedule a few days before the 19th. but they did not spread the news because they know that Hangeng probably does not want to be disturbed. Therefore, only 7 or 8 fans went. He had gotten paler and fatter (he was tooo skinny, therefore it's a good thing). The fans did not talk to Hangeng or disturb him in anyways. They took pictures and clips from pretty far away. The videos and pictures can be found online. I attached 2 pics. If anyone want the vids, send me a message and I will send it to you.
Along with Hangeng's reappearance, news about SJ's 4th album came out earlier today. Even though there's not official statements, but SJ's leader Leeteuk recently confirmed (on a show) that SJ's 4th album will be out soon. Soon is??? MAY!!!! Super Junior's official 4th album will be out May 2010.
My question is......... how many members participated in the making of the album. Kibum did not participate in any 3rd album activities because he was filming a movie (which will come out soon). But I doubt that this is a temporary excuse. Kibum wants to act more than sing/dance. therefore it is possible that he will not participate in any SJ activities from now on. Kangin should return in the 4th album right? after his assault case and hit-and-run case, Kangin has been absent from all public activities for a few months now. These two members' situations are fairly predictable.
But Hangeng is an entire different story. Following after Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun of DBSK, Hangeng sued SM (for the same reason as the other three). Hangeng was not seen at the Super Show 2 concert in Beijing. And because of him, SJM did not appear at the Hunan TV's new year event. I watched a fancam version of SJM's Super Girl and Blue Tomorrow at SS2 in Beijing. The middle spot was left empty for Hangeng.
Will SJ and DBSK suffer the same fate as H.O.T.? or will they be able to break the 5-yr curse of boy bands? (well, technically, DBSK = 6+ years already.)
For SJ, even if Hangeng leaves, it will still go on. Henry and Zhou Mi (SJM members) were on Starking together with the rest of SJ for the new year special. This is a hint that SM still wants to add Henry and Zhou Mi into SJ, like they planned from the beginning (due to oppositions by fans, it has not happened yet).
I've never really openly expressed my opinion on this whole issue because I don't have a conclusion yet. I will try to organize my thoughts today. I think I feel differently about SJ and DBSK.
DBSK is the most successful ASIAN boy band ever! Their popularity in Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, etc. are unbeatable. SJ was not able to surpass DBSK. Recently, Ellen Degeneres Show asked people to recommend Asian singers (so the show can have a segment on them). DBSK received the most votes. SJ, SNSD, BB, Wonder Girls, Arashi, Rain/Bi etc. were all on the list. DBSK also has the biggest fan club in the world according to Guinness. Starting from the beginning, DBSK was more unified than SJ. DBSK sing and dance better (in my opinion). Therefore, I really want DBSK to stay as ONE. I'm not angry at Jaejoong/Junsu/Yoochun because I understand that SM is unfair, but I do not want DBSK to break apart no matter what. DBSK really is the BEST!
SJ..... was created as a flexible group that would switch members. But again due to fans' objections, SM aborted that idea. But subgroups emerged none the less. Subgroups are for the benefit of the fans as well as the promotion of SJ, but it also planted THE SEED in SJ and in fans. Little strokes fell great oaks. I am actually now cool with the fact that SJ will be a 'flexible' group. At least if SJ break apart, I will not be as sad as DBSK breaking apart.
Everyone focuses on the past faults of SM and artists. but I want to focus on the future. Will they be able to become better after leaving SM?
Jaejoong/Junu/Yoochun left together and there's definitely greater power in that. more than half of DBSK is outside of SM. Therefore, if SM does not want to lose DBSK, SM must let them have their way (well, some of their way). Separating into 2:3, neither side will be as great as when the 5 are together for sure. DBSK really is the BEST asian boy band ever. I want them to stay together and hold on to their glory. If they break now, everything's gone.
Hangeng case..... honestly, even though Hangeng is super super super popular it China, if he leaves SJ, then he will only be able to be popular in mainland China. and I personally do not think he will last all that long. I know that Hangeng is leaving SM, or even SJ, for health reasons, but....... really depends on what's more important to him. If he is alright with being a normal, healthy man, then by all means, LEAVE. but if he still wants the fame and glory....... then leaving SM is not a good choice for him at all. I do not think he will be able to stay as famous as long. He doesn't have the skills Jaejoong/Junsu/Yoochun have.
Anyways, good luck to them all.
I will sit quietly infront of my computer and wait for the end :)
don't know what happened to the font..... but, i'm too lazy to change it :)