Monday, November 1, 2010

Kangin oppa, I'm not worried about u!

Haha I abandoned my blog once again! but now i'm back for......... one post
Out of the 3 kids who "left" SJ, I miss Kangin the most. hehe I was confused by why Kibum left and a little angry at Hangeng.

Kangin oppa is currently serving in the military. He looks great in all the pics that came out since he started his service. and "knowing" his personality, I think he probably made friends very quickly.
Recently, I found a post by a Korean fan whose brother is serving in the same squad as Kangin oppa. [The next section, I = the korean fan who originally posted about Kangin oppa]

My brother serves with Kangin oppa, but they are not very close. But there was this other guy who is very very close to my brother and also to Kangin oppa. he no longer serves in the same squad. he spent some time at my house on his way home so i was able to ask him about Kangin oppa.
ELF sent alot of letters to Kangin oppa. he was very touched at first, now he's more very proud and show off to his fellow soldiers. one ELF sent a picture of ELFs and food. Kangin oppa always show the picture and says "these are my fans, sapphire blue." Next to his bed, Kangin oppa posted a picture of SJ (all 13 members) and the ELF picture. he would say good night to SJ and ELF everyday before going to bed.
There is a place where soldiers can go online (PC room). kangin oppa spends most of his military money there.
He also enjoys talking to older soldiers (sunbaes) and tries to act cute and ask for food.
In the military, people bond over smoking together. but Kangin oppa always say that he does not smoke.
Kangin oppa is very well liked in the military. he often goes on fancafe and laughed really hard when he saw the lady Hee pictures.
My brother friend also said that there's no need to worry about Kangin oppa. He adapted well and is doing well with the training.
Even the ppl who at first did not like Kangin oppa (because of the incidents right before he joined the military) are accepting him. No one brings up the incidents any more. everyone says that Kangin oppa is a nice person.
--- END

And of course, the first time Kangin oppa got a break, he spent his holidays with SJ members.
Heechul oppa and Kangin oppa are so close! I love them both.

Kangin oppa, fighting!! Become a even better person through serving your country and please please come back to SJ and us!

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