First of all, Jaejoong and his mother.

Jaejoong was adopted by his parents when he was 4. His parents have 8 daughters (all older than Jaejoong) and no son. They really wanted a son so, when Jaejoong's biological mother no longer have the financial power to raise him, they took Jaejoong into their family.
Here's Jaejoong and his biological mother.

Jaejoong's biological parents are divorced. Jaejoong's biological mother had to raise him on her own. Because she did not have a stable income, she could not raise Jaejoong and gave him away. No official/legal adoption papers were done. All official documents stated that Jaejoong's parents are his adoptive parents. Jaejoong's parents stated that they did not want Jaejoong to get hurt so they did not want Jaejoong to know that he's adopted. When Jaejoong's biological father, who had nothing to do with any of this and did not contact Jaejoong or his biological mother for years, found out Jaejoong is his son (not sure how), he sued Jaejoong's adoptive parents because he wanted his name to be in the blank that says "father." But according to a statement by SM, Jaejoong and SM both knew that Jaejooong was adopted. Jaejoong's biological father dropped his charge again Jaejoong's parents very quickly.
Jaejoong's biological mother and adoptive mother stayed in touch over the years, but Jaejoong never saw his biological mother again until the law suit broke out. Jaejoong's mother got remarried and had a daughter and a son. Here's a pic of Jaejoong's half sister and brother.

Jaejoong's half sister really looks like him.
Jaejoong's biological mother went on a show similar to American Idol in Korea and talked about his son. I think Jaejoong's biological mother sang well, but the judges didn't think so lol. Jaejoong's biological mother is now a teacher at some university in Shandong, China.
My Jaegeng love is rekindled lol.
Jaejoong oppa, fighting!!!!
the first pic woman is not his mom... his mom is already very old. his oldest sis is the same age as changmin's mom... i think that's yunho's mom if im not mistaken... and the 'half brother' is not blood related to jaejoong.