Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009


For the final project in 21st Century Challenges, Kelsey and I will work together.

We want to talk about FOOD, more specifically food processing. Americans eat a lot of canned and frozen fruits and vegetables and not enough fresh foods. We want to explore the differences between consuming fresh and processed foods. Both the Pros and Cons. For example, eating mainly processed foods, the diet is extremely low in fiber. Low fiber diets caused by processed foods can lead to a medical condition caused Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis. These conditions are very painful and can cause much damage in the gastro-intestinal system.

Processed foods are not only not as good for the body but also less cost effective than fresh foods from the local market (in terms of transporting, processing, etc.). Kelsey and I plan to research this topic and present our findings in a paper and a pretty presentation.

Also, we will explore how we use processed foods without even knowing it. For a specific example, we plan to make muffins and identify the sources of processed food if any. We'll see if there are hidden processes behind the goodness of home-made muffins.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Food and Water

I read Sadie’s blog and checked-out the so_many_a_second site. It is really cool and I want to encourage everyone to see it. The site says that 200 stars are born every secons. Under the people category, it says that there are 2.5 more inhabitants on earth every second. 4 new people lose access to safe water every second. The world is growing at a fast rate; access to safe water is decreasing at an even faster rate. So it’s more and more important (by the second, I’m serious) that we use our water carefully.
Genetically modified crops that can grow in more arid environments save water resources. Agriculture accounts for ~80% of the nation’s consumptive water use. Efficient irrigation systems and water management can also help the farmers save money and conserve our limited water resource. Food and water are closely related. More efficient production/use of one can alleviate pressure on the other.

Oxford Weekend and Anti-intellectualism

While I was at the Oxford Scholars Weekend, there were discussion groups about 21st century challenges. The main focus of my group’s discussion is America’s anti-intellectualism. Americans seem to have a growing hostility towards intellectual pursuits. In movies and etc., nerds are tormented and hard working students are not celebrated. The media often describes intellectuals as “out of touch.” This anti-intellectualism causes problems in the education system. Teachers can’t seem to inspire student because students have no desire of to learn whatsoever. There are infinitely number of ways to teach (in school or out of school), but if kids don’t want to learn, there’s not too much we can do.
As I reading about anti-intellectualism, I gained a little insight into my middle school. I came from a small, private Christian school. It has K4 to 12th grade and only ~200 students. There, the focus is on being a good Christian and getting closer to God. It’s a school but no one cares about science, history, etc. (that’s why I left the school). I read that some conservative Christians believe that public education suppresses religion (especially Christianity). Atheism and Deism spread among the educated during the Enlightenment. Puritan John Cotton wrote in 1642, “The more learned and witty you be, the more fit to act for Satan will you be.” In my opinion, in this case, religion is hindering their prosperity. Conservative Christians’ anti-intellectual practices discourage me from believing in Christianity.

inquiry essay follow up

Suju's 3rd album "Sorry Sorry" came out yesterday (Korea time). Congrats to them!!

Follow up of the inquiry essay…….just because I want to talk more about Super Junior.
I’m not Korean so I don’t know enough about trot music. I know for a fact that I would not even bother looking up what trot music is if Super Junior did not have a subgroup SJT. Trot music has a very long history. It developed along side/from Japanese enka (enka is speeches set to music) when Japan occupied Korean (1910 – 1945). Trot has a distinctive background rhythm and is pretty fun to listen to. You can listen to SJT’s “Rokkugo” and “No One Like Me” on youtube ( and
The clothe SJT wears when they perform is very different as well. Bright colors, flowers and feathers everywhere, and big polka dots go with the music. Trot music fell out of favor in the early 1990s but is now “revived” because of singers like SJT. Again, it’s only because of SJT that I care what trot is.

My inquiry essay was mainly on the relationship between fans and celebrities so I did not talk too much about the ramifications of adding a Chinese member to Suju. But I will now. First I will give a brief history of media in Korea. Before the 1980s, media (newspapers mainly) was censored and controlled by the government. In 1897, governmental reforms gave South Korea a free press, but foreign artists still had a hard time entering the main stream market (due to controls by the government). Koreans want to preserve their own culture and market therefore really discouraged/blocked foreign artists from performing in Korea. The break through came in 1997 when the Taiwanese drama “Bao-Qing-Tian” set the record of the highest audience rating in Korean foreign dramas.

Hangeng debuted as a member of Suju in 2005, less than 10 years after the media is “open” to foreigners. His story is very significant and probably will be recorded in history. Many fans and critics believe that SM is just using Hangeng to get deeper into the Chinese market. On purpose or not, Hangeng certainly has this effect. Super Junior and SJM are extremely popular in China. I personally agree that SM is “using” Hangeng in a way. But I also believe that this gives Hangeng an opportunity to “show off” Chinese culture. Even though because of his visa, Hangeng is only allowed on 3 TV stations in Korea, he constantly talk about China and Chinese culture. As a Chinese, I’m very proud of him. Of course the disadvantage of including Hangeng in Suju is attacks from patriots who want to preserve Korean culture. When Hangeng first debuted, there was lots of attention on the difference in nationality. But Suju members and ELFs all publicly proclaimed that nationality does not matter. The “Korean Wave” has been taking over Asia in the past decade. According to Noh’s abstract (1), the “Korean Wave” is slowing down and its domination of Asian pop culture is slowly coming to an end. Noh believes (and I agree with him/her, can’t tell from the name) that China will lead the next big wave. May be Hangeng can be the start of that wave?!

Because the addition of a Chinese member, Korean and Chinese ELFs are generally united. For example Cassiopia (DBSK’s official fan club) is only compose of official Korean fans (foreign fans can not join, 3). So Suju is more inclusive than most Korean celebrities. Many people in China think people like me who support Super Junior, DBSK, and other Korean (or Japanese) artists are unpatriotic. The “Korean Wave” actually creates a divide between Chinese people. But I don’t believe that listening to Korean music is unpatriotic. I want to enjoy and appreciate all cultures. I’m not going to reject them just because they are not Chinese. Honestly, even my mom agrees that Korean pop dramas and music are of better quality than Chinese ones (in general). I say I treat all nationalities and culture the same; but even though Hangeng is not my favorite Suju member, I pay more attention to him. For example, listening to Suju’s music and watching Suju shows, I pay close attention to how big of a part Hangeng has. Is he the lead vocal? Where does he stand in the dance routines? Is he included in 1/13 of the pictures? I make sure that he is treated fairly (even though I “can’t do anything” even if he’s not). There is still a difference in nationality. I don’t get upset when Shindong (another Suju member) stands at the back of the line. In conclusion, Asianization of pop culture has decreased the barrier between audiences in different countries, but I am still most loyal to my own country (which is China not America, something many people don’t understand).

4. What I know from reading/watching a lot of Suju stuff everyday.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


After redesigning the school following LEED's standards, I want to re-build my house so it is more energy effecient too. The first thing that almost every house needs are windows. My living room, master bed room, and dining room have big window, but the rest of the rooms in the house have very few and very small window. Allowing more sunlight into the house will definitely decrease the electricity bill. Even if I can not re-build my house now, I should just move my desk (where I study) closer to a window so I don't have to turn on the lights during the day. Also turning my piano around (so I can read my music without the lights on during the day) will help. My physics teacher talked about this special kind of window that work based on some electric field principle (Sadie, Kelsey, Clint, Codrin, etc. help me out with exactly how it works please!! I forgot.). It's very cool even though I'm not sure if it's cost effective to "opperate" the window, changing from transparent to blocking light.
I also want to improve insulation at my house. I have an attic connected to my room. In the winter, cold wind blows in around the edges of the door (because there's this screened "window" that can not be closed).
The Basement, where my mom likes to hangout, is very cold and dark in the winter. One side of the basement can be opened (meaning not underground). So more windows there will help too.
Also installing solar panels for electricity and collecting rain water can decrease my footprint. I can put so lines up on the deck so I can hang my cloth there to dry in the summer at least. Planting fruits and vegetables is good too. especially the Chinese vegetables that are hard to find in American super markets (even though Chinese plants are probably invasive species that might not be good for the environment if planted on a large scale?). Along with the garden, I need a compost to reduce my household's space in the landfilled.
There are many things I can do without tearing down my house......but I don't do them. I guess knowing what to do and doing it are completely different. Well, according to Socrates "to know the good is to do the good." :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jefferson County Sewer Debt

Water and sewer are two of the most basic needs for a person to live. But Jefferson County official did not handle the sewer system with care and is now more than $3.2 billion in debt. The county had good intentions when it borrowed the money to build a new sewer system, but it solely relied on JPMorgan for advice instead of using competitive bidding. The county did what many homeowners did, borrowed money that it can not pay back. Because Jefferson County borrowed at rates that carried with the market, the soaring interest rates in February 2008 put the county in deeper debt.
Government policy, the economy, and water issues are all linked. Bad decision made water in sewer bill in Jefferson County went up 4 times in the past decade. The increase forced many families into sacrificing life style and other needs like the lady in the Bloomberg article ( Not handling water and sewer properly is driving Jefferson County toward bankruptcy. Water is the most important natural resources that we have. As a nation and an individual, we should treat water with care.